Noel has been the pastor in our church since September 2024. He is married to Dr. Tia and together have a baby girl named Ruah. He has a passion for mission, discipleship and preaching. As a priest strives to create a worship community that is engaging and practically rooted. His favourite quote is, "tell me more...".
Chris is a teacher, a musician, and is probably the wittiest person at SMM. You'll find him at Church, the Napanee Charitable Thrift Store, or St. Lawrence College. The role of the Rectors Warden is to represent the pastor, the rector, in the life and administration of the church.
Peter Cory has a passion to make Jesus known. Peter is kind hearted, caring, and loves our church. The role of the People's warden is to represent the people in the life and administrations of the church.
Wray is your go to guy for many things. He has a dog named whisper that he takes into various institutions to help people with anxiety. The role of the Deputy warden is to assist the warden and clergy.
Mark has a heart for the youth. He's the local soccer referee and has calves of steel. The role of the Deputy warden is to assist the warden and clergy.
AnnaRuth can play all things contemporary and classical. From Ludwig van Beethoven to Lauren Daigle, she is a boss.
Bill (what an appropriate name) pays the bills! He's our finance guy. He ensures that we steward our money to ensure the gospel mission.
Kristal, Mark and Laura ensure that next generation is discipled. This is an important ministry in our church and one we want to invest in.
All creation longs for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. Susan holds us accountable to the creation mandate to steward what God has given us appropriately.
The parish advisory council provides wisdom and advises the pastor and wardens. These folks are and both appointed and elected by the church based on their strength and wisdom.
Michelle Hauser leads the Harmony Lounge & Music Club which provides barrier-free access to music education for youth ages 12 to 16. Please visit for more information.
The Choir is the best choristers in the Diocese of Ontario. Not an exaggeration... although we might be biased. You can join too!